

glutes muscle的相關標籤

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What better way to celebrate CNY first thing in the morning by seizing the day! . My finishing move, Back extension . Probably one of the most beneficial exercises you could do for strengthening the posterior muscle group; hamstring, glutes and erector spinae. Strengthening them has a carry over effect to big lifts like squats and overhead presses. Plus it makes your midsection musculature more develop, resilient and stronger for heavy lifting . I'm performing the 45-degree back extension for reps. Alternate between heavy lower reps (3 -6) and lighter higher reps (12 - 15) for progression . Wearing a really light, comfy & dries super quick fitted shorts by Under Armour perpetual range . #UAPerpetual #TriBaseReign #wewill #UnderArmourMY #UnderArmourSEA

What better way to celebrate CNY first thing in th...

#史密斯臀肌訓練 🏋🏽‍♀️(記得按❤️還有收藏哦) 早安~ 寒冷來襲一樣練起來🍑 這個全方面的臀肌訓練很炸🔥為了讓臀部看起來更飽滿,四面八方的刺激讓肌肉量增加是一定要的!只需要一台史密斯機就可以完成✅ 史密斯是非常好的訓練器材,尤其是針對臀部的鍛鍊。它的結構對於臀肌的刺激不會有器械式的過多輔助,但又有自由重量的強度👌🏽固定的軌道,讓我們更好掌握離心及向心的感受度。 1️⃣機器斜蹲(4組x12下) 2️⃣相撲硬舉(4組x12下) 3️⃣臀推(4組x12下) 每組最後一下停在最頂點10秒,痠到升天😂 4️⃣分腿蹲(4組x12下) 增強免疫力最好的方式出入公共場所帶好口罩、吃得營養&運動。大家到健身房運動進場前,記得先用酒精消毒,如果有疑似感冒或發燒請待在家中休息,保護自己也保護他人哦💚 穿的是 AMME sport運動套裝💜運內尺寸 S,其他是M 這幾天寒流來超冷的!訓練時可以穿著運動外套,讓身體快速熱起來❤️ 健身房 Muscle art 肌肉藝術健身綜合格鬥俱樂部 ——————————————————————— ⠀ SMITH MACHINE GLUTES🏋🏽‍♀️ (Double tap& save) This is a full glute workout that is very challenging, is aimed at BUILDING MUSCLE and requires only one piece of equipment at the gym! The smith machine it’a actually a perfectly piece of equipment ESPECIALLY for the glute. According to studies, the glute requires STABILITY to fire optimally and smith machine provides this by limiting motion to the vertical movement path. 1️⃣HACK SQUAT (4x12REPS) 2️⃣SUMO DEADLIFT (4x12REPS) 3️⃣HIP THRUST (4x12REPS) Every set ending hold on the top 10secs, It feel REALLY BURNNN🔥 4️⃣SPLIT SQUAT (4x12REPS) I’m wearing @ammesporty Sportbra in size S, others are M Gym is @muscleart122 Song is BODY-Dzeko Remix🎵 #小指頭很鬧 #instafit #gluteworkout #ammesporty #重訓 #健身 #美尻 #梁子淇 #子淇的健康生活 #臀部訓練

#史密斯臀肌訓練 🏋🏽‍♀️(記得按❤️還有收藏哦) 早安~ 寒冷來襲一樣練起來🍑 這個全方面的...


#史密斯臀肌訓練 🏋🏽‍♀️(記得按❤️還有收藏哦) 早安~ 寒冷來襲一樣練起來🍑 這個全方面的...